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Writer's picture: Jennie B.Jennie B.

Lately, I have felt the Lord showing me the importance of having consistency in every area of my life. Allowing room for the Holy Spirit to move and guide me in all things. But this does not come without struggle. My desire is to leave room for the Holy Spirit in all I do. What I seem to struggle with the most, is when I have seen results with my own eyes that are not favorable from the past and I use logic for my next steps. Immediately questioning the Holy Spirit’s guiding direction.

My faith has to be stretched in those moments to new limits. Beyond what I knew from the past or what logic lines out for me. What I feel like God is saying to me is Stop looking to the past to dictate your future. I am no longer there! I am doing a new thing. The past is not your future.

Not too long ago, God was sharing with me the importance of increasing my capacity. He gave me a picture of a goldfish and reminded me how they grow in accordance to the size of their environment. The bigger the tank, the bigger the goldfish will be. I felt God telling me to get a bigger tank. I don’t think I completely understood this direction. I was sure that I needed to increase capacity by paying attention to opportunities and basically work harder. But what He was really saying is in regards to the capacity of my faith and the space I allow for the Holy Spirit in every area of my life. Do I believe that the Lord will come through for me when it looks like the opposite from the past or in the here and now? Making room for Him to speak, to direct, to correct, to encourage, and to make promises for my future that I fully believe will come to fruition. That requires leaning on the Holy Spirit for everything. 

I used to compartmentalize my life in the past. My job was one thing and my faith and spirituality was in another category. 2020 changed all of that for me. The more I am connecting and deepening my relationship with the Lord, the more I see that He wants a reflection of the same in every area of my life. Relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance in all things. And in turn, the Holy Spirit will be a part of all things too. Why wouldn’t I want that?!

Lord, that is ultimately what I want. Help me to leave the past behind and believe that you are making all things new. I’m ready for the abundance and richness of the life that you want for me.

“Do not remember the former things, Not consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43: 18-19 NKJV

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